How Do I Pay My Puerto Rico Excise Tax / Import Tax? (With Pictures)
Once the vehicle arrives in Puerto Rico, we will receive an Arrival Notice. Here is a sample of that notice. You go to the SURI website and a language (English or Spanish). Your scroll down to "File Non-Merchant Declaration or Report" (Radicar Informe o Declaración de No Comerciante). Then look for "Import Declaration (Non Merchants)" (Declaración de Importación no comerciantes)" You then enter the number from the arrival notice followed by your details to validate your identity. At this point you go to the next screen to pay the tax.
The list steps are listed below. However if you are all the details for importing a car to Puerto Rico, go to our article on the full procedure for import.
Step By Step Payment Process (With Pictures)
You will look towards the top right corner, and see a BILL OF PADING/INVOICE NO. (Known in Spanish as "el Conocimento de Embarque".)
You will take this number and go to SURI, which is the department of Hacienda's payment website.
Because of the way the website works, we cannot provide a direct link the exact page in SURI, so we are providing detailed instructions.
Once there you will see the site is initially in Spanish. You can select English if that is your primary language.
You will then scroll down to "File Non-Merchant Declaration or Report" (Radicar Informe o Declaración de No Comerciante)
Click "Import Declaration (Non Merchants)" In Spanish it will say "Declaración de Importación (no comerciantes)"
You Begin by Entering you Social and then confirming. Next you will enter the information you gave us, exactly how you gave it to us. This also means the same phone number. Include the address exactly as given to us as well. If there is an apartment, suite, or Trailer, enter the number and select the unit type. Finally, hit NEXT.
After confirming you details and the vehicle being pulled up, you will be able to make the payment.