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Does CarMax Ship Cars to Your Home?

Yes, CarMax can ship your vehicle to your home as along as the closest store to you is not over 60 miles away. If you found a vehicle that is at another CarMax store, they can ship store-to-store, however if the vehicle is at a CarMax store that is very far away, they may charge a fee.

I'm Over 60 Miles Away from my Nearest CarMax Store

You can use an auto transport company to ship your vehicle. The fee to ship your vehicle will depend on various factors. Generally, the cost to ship can be calculated per mile.

DistanceCost Per mileSample Rate
500 Miles$1.00$500
1000 Miles$0.75$750
2000 Miles$0.55$1,100
2,500 Miles$0.50$1,125
Per Mile Pricing Table from our car shipping calculator page.